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We had this stunning boy come and see us for help with loose leash walking, over excited behaviour around people, general obedience, and his owners were unsure of what was going on around other dogs.

When Hector first came out, you could see he was a very typical adolescent male Rottie. He was full of it, very excited, and didn’t really care what he was getting told to do.

Lovely temperament, but he just needed direction and some boundaries putting in.

We started the session off by getting him engaged, teaching him to work with us and not against us and teaching him how to access a reward.

Hector has a lovely food drive, so we utilised this in his training, taught him leash pressure, and by paying attention, the reward would come.

Next, we taught him how to remain calm when approached by people rather than trying to jump into their arms and to get direction from his owner rather than assuming everyone is to say hello too.

We finished the session off by getting our boy out and straight away. You could see Hector just wanted to play, so we worked on teaching him how to disengage from the dog so we can start teaching him neutrality.

Great session with a lovely boy and great owner.

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