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This evening we had Scout back in for her 2nd puppy session.

Her owners have been working hard with her and she is coming along beautifully.

There had been a couple of bits that had surfaced since our last session that we worked on straight away.

Firstly, she had so much energy which was making home life difficult as her owners were not walking her for as long as they previously had been, with her still being so young. To combat this we went through various ways to keep her mentally stimulated by using training, passive and active enrichment.

The 2nd issue that had started occurring was lead biting, this was mainly when she had become over stimulated or when her owners had stopped walking and she was getting bored. We showed her owners how to divert her attention to break the habit and utilise obedience, to prevent it happening moving forward.

We then covered in more detail how and when to use marker words and continuation markers so Scout had more clarity on what she was doing right and when we expected her to keep doing it. This will massively help her when it comes to increasing her obedience as she gets older.

Within the session we also covered how to teach eye contact for reward and when it should be used.

Finally, we discussed how to proof behaviours using distraction, distance and duration so her owners are aware of what they are working towards along with how to phase out continuous rewards and impliment variable rewards.

Great work guys! Looking forward to our next session 😀

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